Prof David Celermajer

Prof David Celermajer

Professor David Celermajer is the Scandrett Professor of Cardiology at the University of Sydney, Clinical Director of the Heart Research Institute and a Clinical Academic Cardiologist at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, where he is the Director of Adult Congenital Heart Disease and Director of Echocardiography. David did his medical training in Sydney, Oxford and London and is one of the few Australian doctors to be a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, as well as a Fellow of Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science. He is on the Editorial Boards of most of the world’s major cardiovascular journals, including the European Heart Journal, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and Heart. He has had continuous Government Medical Research Funding for over 20 years and has raised over $150M for research and development in Cardiovascular Diseases.

David’s particular research interests are in early detection of heart disease and thence developing preventive and treatment strategies. These include Structural Heart Disease, Atherosclerosis, Pulmonary Hypertension and Adult Congenital Heart Disease. He has a large number of national and international collaborations including with the ACOR. His research work spans Basic Science, Clinical Physiology, Translational, Clinical Trials and Public Health.